Thursday 9 September 2010

Initial thoughts for trailer

Some very basic ideas for our horror trailer, which we will elaborate on later.

- Horror
- Point of view: running
- Examples: Saw, Shaun of the dead, Cloverfield
- Banging on Window
- Beggining: Guy sleeps, Door opens slightly, fade to black, at the end door opens fully
- Quick cutting
- Guy rings friend, starts talking, then mate screams and phone cuts off, someone else picks up phone, says "I've been watching you" and hangs up.
- Puts down phone, peeks round door, guy at window has gone
- from this point, show different parts of the film because the story is now established.
- pan shot round character, fast forward
- At end, mistake each other for enemies and go for each other
- Two perspectives?
- Camera may not pick up voice on phone when on loudspeaker
- Shot of guy looking scared as he hears chainsaw (Chainsaw sound effect)
- Guy in rain desperately tries to fit key in a lock
- Easter Eggs
- Phone call conversation:
"Hey Gaz, did you see anyone walk past you?"
"No, why?"
"I've just seen someone at my window..."
(thud) - "Gaz? Gaz?"
"You're next!" (Hang up tone)

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