When we created the questionnare, we decided to let the participants answer the questions in their own manner. Although this meant it was more difficult to transfer our data into graphs, we felt that if the participants said exactly what they wanted to say then the data would be more reliable than if we restricted their answers.
This Pie Chart shows the percentage of each age group who completed our questionnaire. This was an important question for us because if we were going to identify a specific genre from this questionnaire, we wanted to know exactly which majority of age group we would be targeting.
We may have a biased result due to the fact that over half of our participants were within the 15-20 age group, but as we fall under that age category ourselves, we felt that this was the age group we were in a position to understand best and therefore we wanted the most amount of data from that particular age group.
This graph suggests to us that other results in our questionnaire may be biased towards the male gender. This may have been due to the fact that as we work in a boy's school, there are many more males that we know that we can ask to take part in our questionnaire.
As Gareth and myself are also males, we feel we are suited to producing a trailer that is more target-focused on other males, as we have a greater understanding of what other males may like. Therefore, although our data is biased towards males, it can help us target the right audience whilst also opening our demographic to both genders.
This graph shows our recorded answers for our participants favourite genre. The majority of participants enjoyed comedy films the most, which was fortunate as we have already developed some ideas for a comedy film. As the second most favourite, horror conventions may be something we would like to include in our trailer (similarly to Shaun of the Dead).
The graph shows that after entertainment, the audience values excitement highly, as the three other genres are generally for high tension films. This suggests to us that whilst we may want to focus on comedy conventions in our trailer, we should keep in mind that the audience is still looking for some action scenes to keep them on the edge of their seat.
Favourite Movie and reasons why
-Anchorman x4 - Funny
-Blades of Glory x2 - Good actors/Funny
-Inception x3- Storyline
-Saw x2- Storyline
-Kick-ass x3- Action/comedy mix
We decided not to put the results of this questionnaire into graph form as there could have been a large variety of answers from multiple different genres. However, one trend that this graph shows is that our participants enjoy comedy films that star Will Ferrel. He currently stars in the chart-topping 'The other guys' which also suggests his comedy is recent and not outdated. We will therefore be studying his comedy films to see exactly what it is that makes him so popular and try to incorporate this into our own trailer.
Six of our participants reasons for their favourite films was because they were funny. This reinforces the popularity of the comedy genre and demonstrates what specifically makes the films popular. The stroyline was another important point that our participants stated, but as we are only making a trailer and not the whole film, we shouldn't have to put as much thought into the storyline as we would if we were making the whole film.
Favourite part of a Film
-Humour x6
-Twist x3
-Gore x2
-Action x3
The result of this question once again shows us that comedy is currently a very popular genre. Interestingly, three people told us that they enjoyed a plot twist most about a film. This made us think about possible twist or unexpected occurances in the comedy genre. The fact that there were three answers for gore once again made us think about Shaun of the dead and how horror elements and conventions can be included in what is mainly a comedy film.