Wednesday 8 December 2010

Todays Attempted Filming

This morning Gareth and I decided to meet at the costume shop at 9, to rent the costumes, and then head to radnor park to film our newspaper/disguise scene. When we met however the shop was closed, and we had to wait for it to open. We eventually rented our costumes however, which consisted of two police helmets, two police pullovers, and two fake moustaches. But by the time we got to our filming location at radnor park and had set up thetri-pod and camera, it had started to rain, and we had to protect the camera from rain damage and therefore had to go inside and cancel our filming.

To try and ensure that we get our filming completed soon, we have taken the following measures:
- We are meeting on Saturday, Monday and Wednesday to film our scenes.
- We have considered an alternative scene to the newspaper scene which will be indoors and therefore unaffected by the weather.  This involves quick cut close-up shots of Myself and Gareth getting into 'disguise' then a shot which pulls out to show the whole disguise.
- When we wear our disguises we will take photographs, and edit them for our ancillary tasks.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Issues with filming

As I mentioned in my 'weather' post, conditions for filming are becoming less and less suitable, as we are currently experiencing heavy snow and have forecasts for even more snow this week.
It is now a large possibilty that we may have to adapt our script to fit in with the weather, so we have begun to think about outdoor scenes that may have to be changed.
In the first scene of our storyboard, we tilt the camera down from the sky to meet gareth who is drinking. This would actually look quite good in the snow, as the sun may reflect off of falling snowflakes, supporting the idea that the setting is 'nice'. However, we do not want to distract the viewers attention away from gareth, because we have already drawn their eyes to the snow.
But we do not want to run into problems with continuity, with it snowing heavily in one scene and then sunny the next. Therefore, if we were to film in the snow, we may have to film each scene quickly while the snow lasts. Also, if we discovered a mistake with our filming, it may be too late to change it as the snow would probably have gone. So we may have to just 'leave' the mistake, which is obviously not something we want to do.